Ética & Deontologia

Artigo de Felisbela Lopes na Sala de Prensa, também disponível no Clube de Jornalistas:

É, sobretudo, através do olhar e do ouvido que acedemos àquilo que a televisão transmite, mas é igualmente no imaginário de cada um que os sentidos e os significados da imagem e do discurso televisivos acontecem. Isto significa que não pode haver nestes dois actos uma contraposição, mas uma continuidade.

Os estudantes chineses estão a fazer valer novas mnemónicas nos exames de admissão ao Ensino Superior…

Despite a judge's recommendation that he only receive a reprimand, a city worker accused of disregarding warnings to stay off the Internet at work has been fired.

Notícia  Yahoo.

Unfortunately, mainstream media often fail to live up to that goal; demands from advertisers, government, media owners and other powerful people frequently manage to blur or breach the wall between the editorial and business ends of the newsroom.

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Once the controversy over voting results is over Italy’s new government must give top priority to making sure the hand of politics if kept out of the country’s newsrooms once and for all says the International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ group.

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"I thought that the value of a blog is precisely in its spontaneity and in the play of opinions between the blogger and the listeners. The blogger must do this several times a day in order for the blog to remain 'fresh.' … In my experience, the best and most useful answers to the questions and comments I receive are found by taking the time to distill a measured and thoughtful response out of the swirl of argument and contention."

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Para ler no E-Media Tidbits:

So if there is a choice between boring and useless, I suggest going for boring. In the Escort case, the headline combined the boring and the useless. Don't do that.

How can journalists protect their sources—and themselves—in a hostile legal environment?

Fonte: American Journalism Review

In other words, at the crudest level, Glass, and Blair, and all the others, did it because they could. Maybe that’s the overriding message of the cheating culture — and the thing that most urgently needs to change. Ler mais>>

Duas capas de revistas conceituadas, Newsweek e Time (reparem no olho esquerdo da Estátua da Liberdade):


No mínimo, um caso de falta de rigor, outro de manipulação/construção da realidade. Porque não se trata apenas de um problema de linguagem.

[Dica: Bag News Notes] 

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